Phanar opens Ukrainian parishes in Great Britain

The Phanar will organise parishes for members of the OCU as part of its structure.
Archbishop Nikitas (Lulias) of Thyateira and Great Britain announced that the Church of Constantinople is in the process of creating Ukrainian Orthodox parishes in the UK, reports the press service of the Phanar Archdiocese of Thyateira.
The report notes that the Phanar will organise parishes for the OCU believers within its structure. In particular, there is a parish in London run by Myroslav Pushkaruk.
" each Ukrainian Orthodox parish will preserve its identity, customs, language, calendar, and traditions, while simultaneously being part of the culturally diverse family of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, and in particular, of its local Archdiocese of Thyateira and Great Britain," the Phanar representation in the UK said.
As reported, Dumenko complained in London about discrimination against the OCU.