Ukraine's Ambassador to Vatican criticises Pope for words about Dugina

Ukraine's Ambassador to the Holy See Andriy Yurash called Francis' words about Darya Dugina "disappointing".
Ukraine's Ambassador to the Vatican, Andriy Yurash, was critical on his Twitter of the Pope's words about Darya Dugina as an "innocent victim of war".
"Today's speech by the Pope was disappointing and made me think about many things: one cannot speak in the same categories of aggressor and victim, rapist and raped," Yurash wrote, doubting that "the first of the ideologues of Russian imperialism can be called an innocent victim". According to the Ukrainian official, Dugina "was killed by the Russians as a sacred victim and has now been raised to the shield of war".
As earlier reported, Yurash called for giving part of the Lavra churches to the OCU.