Christian Martyrs of the Muslim Yoke: Holy Martyr Manuel
Once again, Christians and minority Muslim groups are being brutally murdered by Sunni Islamists, may we recall the victory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have a hard-to-find and out-of-print book, “New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke,” translated by Leonidas J. Papadopulos, Georgia Lizardos and others. From this book, I will be offering various lives of these courageous Christian martyrs on my blog. The collective Feast Day for the New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke is the third Sunday after Pentecost. Through the prayers of these holy Martyrs may the evil violence of the bloody sword of Islam be overcome.
Great is the Lord Jesus Christ! The Lord is King!
New Martyrs of Turkish Yoke
March 15, New Martyr Manuel the Creatan
Manuel, the Martyr of Christ, had his origins in Sfakion on the island of Crete, and was the son of Christian parents. At an early age he was taken captive by the Turks, who subjugated Sfakion after the1770 revolt. The Hagarenes took notice of his competency in performing his tasks and forcibly made him a Moslem, circumcising him in accordance with their custom.
However the blessed Manuel, having the fear of God made every effort to escape, which he finally accomplished. He went to the island of Mikonos where he confessed his sin, fulfilled the canon he was placed under, and eventually was chrismated, becoming a Christian once more.
After one year he lawfully wed a Mikonian woman, together they had six children. Perceiving that his wife had betrayed her honor and committed adultery with another, he, fearing God, did not ill-treat her nor make her a public example, but took the children and left her house and rented another so his family could find tranquility. The blessed one had a vicious brother-in-law who was completely evil and who constantly threatened him seeking a way to harm him, for he felt that he had dealt contemptuously with his sister.
But what followed? Lend an ear.
One time Manuel was coming from Samos to Mikonos with a vessel laden with wood. They met a Turkish naval vessel which patrolled the Aegean and according to routine procedure drew alongside [Manuel’s] ship. Inside was the aforementioned relative, who was a laborer for the ship’s agha. He espied from afar our blessed Manuel and quickly ran and told the agha that a man on board the ship flagged for inspection was once a Turk, but now went about as a Christian. Then the agha summoned him for questioning.
Manuel answered:
“I am a Christian from birth.”
The agha interjected:
“Once you were a Christian; afterwards, of your own volition you became a Moslem. Accordingly, you must return to our faith, and if you do not come to your senses I will harshly torture you until you give up the spirit.”
However the Martyr of Christ straightway was strengthened from above, and without considering the threats of the agha, declared:
“I was born a Christian, I am a Christian, and a Christian I wish to die.”
At these statements the agha became furious and delivered him to his officers for torture. They heartlessly tormented him for many days until they arrived at Chios where the grand admiral of the sultan’s navy was stationed.
The Martyr besought a Christian man from Hydra who happened to be on the same ship to disembark and bring him a priest to make his confession. No spiritual father dared go for fear of the Hagarenes. The priests gave the Hydraian messenger admonitions to secretly relate to the Martyr to comfort and embolden him.
When Manuel heard these encouraging words he gathered greater strength and remarked:
“I also have the same intentions; what does it matter if I die today or tomorrow. Since this world is transitory, instead of going tomorrow condemned, I prefer to die today form my faith and save my soul.”
Accordingly, the agha sent the Martyr to the Turkish admiral with a full explanation regarding the matter. The Martyr was invited to speak for himself and answer the question concerning his identification and allegiances. The Martyr of Christ patently answered that he was Christian. The commander then ordered him stripped to expose his private parts. They all beheld his circumcision.
Consequently, he was asked:
“Why then do you say you are a Christian?”
The Martyr replied:
“From my youth I was a Christian, but was taken captive at a very early age. I did not wish to convert, but they forcibly made me as one of them. Now, however, I wish to be a Christian again.”
At this point the admiral sentenced him to be beheaded immediately. The Martyr then raised his hands and eyes towards the heavens and in a loud resonant voice cried:
“Glory to Thee, O God!”
The pasha’s men took hold of him and brought him a long way outside the palace, nearby a certain slaughterhouse called Palaia Vrysi (Old Spring); and there, without being directed, Manuel knelt and bowed his head, joyfully awaiting the sword of death. But he who attempted to behead him was overcome by intense fear, threw the sword down and fled.
Then this happened, turbulence and commotion took place among the Turks. The Martyr did not turn around to see what the commotion was but maintained his composure. Not being ruffled in the least, he prayed within. Subsequently, a non-commissioned officer of the commander seized the sword and dealt blows to Manuel’s throat and several parts of his body, but he was unable to strike off his head. Seeing that he was accomplishing nothing this further inflamed his anger and he cast the Martyr to the ground, swooped down upon him, and taking hold of his head, he cut his throat.
Thus was Manuel sacrificed like a veritable lamb of Christ. It was Monday, March 15, 1792, the fourth hour.
The following day, the commander learned of the jubilation that the Martyr’s end caused among the Christians and of the steady stream of people that flowed to the precious and holy relics. He therefore issued an order to have the relics, including the sacred head, tied to rocks and thrown into the depths of the sea, accompanied with shouts and derision.
And the Martyr’s holy soul ascended into the Heavens and is now counted among the ranks of the martyrs, standing before Christ, the Desired One, receiving from Him the unfading crown of martyrdom, leaping with joy with all the saints, glorifying Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the One God in Trinity, to Whom is due glory, honor and worship to endless ages. Amen.
Originally Posted via The Inkless Pen - Used by Permission
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