Rivne diocese UOC goes on helping cancer-stricken children (VIDEO)

Over 100 thousand hryvnas has been raised by Rivne diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in the charitable action “Help a cancer-stricken child”. It was reported by the UOJ correspondent.
Three months ago, with the blessing of Bartholomew, Metropolitan of Rivne and Ostroh, donation boxes were placed in every church of the diocese.
“A great number of believers linked up to fundraising, thanks to which those who badly need help to date, receive addressed and otherwise donation. It’s comforting, people respond to this, donate money and in total we are able to offer help to such children,” the Metropolitan said.
The Metropolitan expressed his regret the Church donation capacity is not that huge to meet the needs of our society. Besides, His Eminence shared hope the church and public life will improve further on and give a better possibility to help those in need.