SBU denies the information on the dissemination of anti-Ukrainian literature in Pochayiv Lavra

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) did not confirm published in the media information about the disseminating of anti-Ukrainian literature in the Pochayiv Lavra, reported Obozrevatel.
"Upon examination of the situation, we inform that the data published in the media are not an indication of the presence of signs of crime, pre-trial investigation of which, according to Art. 216 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine, is in the investigative jurisdiction of the SBU", reported the Security Service of Ukraine.
According to the SBU information, for the period 2014-2016, they received two deputy appeals and one appeal from a citizen to check the situation in the Pochayiv Lavra.
As it was reported by the Security Service, in February 2016 the Central Department of the National Police of Ukraine in Ternopil region initiated criminal proceedings on the fact of deliberate actions in the territory of Lavra aimed at inciting national, racial or religious hatred.