UOC parishioner nearly killed during the seizure of the church in Kolosovaya by UOC-KP

In the village of Kolosovaya, Ternopil diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Kiev Patriarchate representatives, supported by the "Right Sector", "celebrated" the seizure of the local UOC church, beating almost to death a fellow villager – a UOC parishioner, who got serious injuries, reports the official website of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
The incident in Kolosovaya village happened after another seizure of the UOC church by representatives of the UOC-KP, with the support of the unknowns in balaclavas that had "Right Sector" markings on their clothes, "celebrated the victory" with alcohol intoxication.
Returning home after a very good drink, the head of the community of the UOC- KP met a fellow villager – a faithful of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – and beat him so heavily that the man got into the intensive care department.
As reported in the Ternopil diocese, the faithful of the UOC community was hospitalized to Kremenets district hospital with multiple bruises, rib fractures and a cardiac crisis.
The police arriving at the crime scene recorded the assault, interviewed witnesses and instituted criminal proceedings for assault, attempted assassination and incitement to religious hatred.