Jewish radicals disrupt Greek Orthodox Pentecost prayer in Jerusalem

Jewish Radicals made an attempt to disrupt Greek Orthodox Pentecost prayer in Jerusalem, reports Haaretz.
Religious tensions roiled anew on Mount Zion this week when police detained five of some dozens of enraged Jewish extremists who attempted to disrupt Pentecostal prayers held by hundreds of Greek Orthodox worshipers.
As the Greek Orthodox procession made its way on Monday to the compound that houses the Cenacle, the presumed site of the Room of the Last Supper, and the presumed Tomb of King David, the Jewish demonstrators with flowing ear locks and large knitted yarmulkes screamed, booed and blew shofars at the worshipers.
"It hurts me that they are letting these goyyim (non-Jews) come here," said a man dressed in ultra-Orthodox garb. "It hurts me that these evil men, who have oppressed the Jews throughout history, are being allowed to contaminate our holy sites. And it hurts me even more that the police, led by our Jewish government, are allowing them to do so."
The protesters were removed, detained, and issued restraining orders banning them from the site.
Recall that in the Upper Room, Jesus Christ performed the Last Supper, and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Holy Apostles at Pentecost.