Creation of human embryos for biomedical applications banned in Russia

On 1 January 2017 the Law "On biomedical cell products," which prohibits the creation of human embryos for the purpose of biomaterial production will enter into force in Russia, reports the Interfax.
The law prohibits the creation of human embryos for the production of biomedical cell product, as well as the use of the biomaterial obtained by interruption of the development or human fetus for the development, production and application of biomedical cell products.
It provides rules that allow producing and using in medical practice personalized cellular biomedical products containing in its composition a cell line derived from biological material of a certain person, and are intended to apply to the same person.
The law establishes that the donor of the biological material is a capable adult citizen. If a person is partially incapable, fully incapable or a minor, his/her biological material can only be used for autologous donation. The information on the will of the person to become a donor is introduced into the medical records of the donor.
Recall that the current interpretation of the question of the moral status of the embryo was born in the United States in disputes about the legality of abortion in the 1960-1980-ies.