Public organization which has no relation to UOC is preparing its own “Cross Procession” tomorrow

As reported by UOC sources, an application for holding a cross procession has been newly filed in the Kiev City Council. The action was initiated by Valentin Lukiyanik, the man who had already been excommunicated from the church for self-authorized actions and demonstrations.
Given that tomorrow the All-Ukrainian Procession of peace, love and prayer for Ukraine will be held in Kiev, the UOJ referred to the head of the Legal UOC, Archpriest Alexander Bakhov for comment: What can we expect from the V. Lukiyanik’s initiative?
"If this information is true, it’s highly probable to expect provocations by Valentin Lukiyanik and his followers, – says Fr. Alexander. – Despite the fact that he has been restored to ecclesial communion, he didn’t receive blessings for holding religious processions. A similar incident with his participation has taken place at the St. Sophia Cathedral recently".
July 17, at the St. Sophia Cathedral V. Lukiyanik and members of his organization sang a hymn of tsarist Russia. Participants of the assembly held in the hands religious symbols.