Prince of Jordan Hassan makes a stand for Christianity

Prince of Jordan Hassan spoke in defense of Christianity and Christians in the article, dedicated to crisis in the Middle East. It is reported by Pravoslaviye.RU.
Prince Hassan remarked that Christianity has been a constituent part of the life in the Middle East for two thousand centuries. He underscored that Christianity is not a Western religion. It was born in the Middle East and then embraced the whole world as a gift. Christian communities have always formed an integral part of the development of the Arab culture and civilization.
“Destroying Christianity in a place where it was born will destroy the entire color palette on the Middle East carpet and look like a hammer stroke on our heritage. The reality is so that each of us is one community, united by common convictions and history,” declared Prince Hassan.
The Prince noted he is perplexed by the “disgusting attacks” of Christians by radical Islamists. He declared that Muslims, Jews and Christians must get united in order to fight against “apocalyptic vision” of the Islamic State.
He urged all participants of inter-religious dialogue “to halt this dangerous slip to hatred, self-destruction and fratricidal conflict”.
It will be reminded His Royal Highness Prince of Jordan Hassan is a founder and President of the Royal Institute for Interreligious Studies. Since the beginning of the civil war in Syria, Jordan has hosted 600 000 Syrian refugees.