UA: Pershy ends up in a scandal for not broadcasting procession for SLC

In social networks, a scandal broke out due to the fact that UA: Pershy TV channel did not broadcast the procession on July 28, in which the head of state participated.
Blogger and journalist Diana Dutsyk was the first to accuse the TV channel and head of the board of National Public Television and Radio Company Zurab Alasania. She was outraged that UA: Pershy (UA: First - Ed.) ignored the event, which "concerns so many important processes in the country related to the assertion of Ukraine's independence," as the blogger described the march of representatives of the UOC-KP and the UAOC on the Day of the Baptism of Rus. A lot viewed this procession as a political act in support of the creation of the Single Local Church in the country.
Zurab Alasania explained his position by the fact that Ukraine is a secular state and that the scenario of events on July 28 was written by Sergei Proskurnia, which means "maximum domination" of the presence of the "first couple" in all broadcasts. And this, in turn, could lead to reproaches that Public Television "hypes the President."
Parliamentarian Sergei Leshchenko, defending the position of Alasania, noted that "if you want to broadcast the procession, be ready that tomorrow someone will demand to broadcast an LGBT parade."
According to the UOC, about 250 thousand people participated in the Cross procession on July 27. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 65 thousand marched in the procession for the SLC on July 28.