Mass Media: A functionary dismissed from PA who promised Tomos by July 28th

A decree was published on the website of the Presidential Administration on July 30, dismissing Rostislav Pavlenko from the post of Deputy Head of the PA of Ukraine.
It was Pavlenko who in the establishment of Bankovaya street initiated an idea of granting autocephaly to the Ukrainian Church, reports Strana.UA.

Referring to their sources, the journalists of the outlet write that Rostislav Pavlenko promised that Tomos on autocephaly would be granted to Ukraine well before the Day of the Baptism of Rus.
"Initially, it was clear that such a complex issue, given the colossal resistance of Moscow and the ROC, cannot be resolved within a few months in such a conservative structure as the Church," cites Strana.UA its source from Bankovaya. “But the President was surrounded by a group of people led by Rostislav Pavlenko, who decided to give Poroshenko a "wunderwaffe" to win the election. They convinced him it was possible to quickly reach an agreement with the Ecumenical Patriarchate on autocephaly and sell it to the voter as a sweeping victory. It was on the basis of their information that Poroshenko voiced an approximate date for receiving the Tomos before July 28th. But the reality came out completely different. It turns out that Pavlenko and Co. have simply set up the President."
Pavlenko replaced Vladimir Gorbulin as director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies.