OCU activists beat parishioners who brought UOC meeting minutes

In Transcarpathia, activists of the OCU beat up parishioners who brought the minutes of the UOC community meeting to the local council.
Как стало известно СПЖ, 26 февраля 2019 года группа активистов ПЦУ напала на представителей общины храма Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы УПЦ в поселке Ясиня Раховского района Закарпатской области.
As it has become known to the UOJ, on February 26, 2019, a group of activists of the OCU attacked representatives of the community of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the urban village of Yasinia in the Rakhov district, Transcarpathian region.
The incident was reported in a telephone comment by the dean of the Yasinia district of the Khust Eparchy, Protopriest Vitaly Kemin, who voiced the names of the attackers.
According to him, that day about 30 women – parishioners of the church – and their rector Protopriest Alexander Gasparovich were taking the notarized minutes of the meeting of the community of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos dated February 24 to the village council.
We recall that in this way, the parishioners protect their church, which representatives of the Kiev Patriarchate (OCU), under the guise of falsified “meeting minutes”, claimed theirs.
Four local residents attacked the women. When the rector tried to record what was happening, the attackers knocked his phone out of his hands.
The attacking supporters of the raider seizure of the UOC temple have threatened the rector and his community, who refused to “transfer” to the new church structure before. According to the dean, these are Stepan and Mikhail Markulchaks, Yuri and Ivan Josipchuks whose third brother lives in Russia, which does not prevent the young people from fighting the “Moscow Church” on the spot.
At the moment, the priest has written a report on the attack in the police, the witnesses who were present also testify the offence.
As the UOJ reported, earlier in Yasinia, the OCU have falsified the minutes of the parish meeting and “transferred” the UOC temple.