Ministry of Justice: OCU is still not registered as a successor of UOC-KP

In response to Dumenko's request, the Ministry reported that OCU is not listed as the UOC-KP's successor, since there are no data in the State Register.
The newly established religious organization – OCU – is not listed in the Unified State Register as a successor of the Kiev Patriarchate of the UOC-KP, Churcher telegram channel reports.
The channel’s authors report that on December 23, 2019, the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Epiphany Dumenko, sent a request to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine asking to explain why there is no mention on the electronic services portal of legal entities that the “Kiev Metropolis of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Orthodox Church of Ukraine)” is a successor of the UOC-KP.
In response to this inquiry, representatives of the Ministry of Justice replied that “if information on legal entities whose successor is a registered legal entity – a religious organization ‘Kiev Metropolis of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Orthodox Church of Ukraine)’ is not displayed on the Portal, then accordingly, such information was not listed by the state registrar in the Unified State Register.”
The Ministry of Justice proposed that “an authorized person from the religious organization should contact the state registrar with the relevant documents and a statement in order for such data to be displayed on the Portal.”
The authors of the Churcher telegram channel reported that “the duties of state registration of religious organizations are performed by two people who work in the Department of Religious and Ethnic Affairs of the Ministry of Culture, headed by Andrei Yurash. These two people are Ivan Papayani and Bogdan Severenchuk.
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Epiphany Dumenko still considers Filaret a member of the OCU.