Met Anthony:Easter comes through personal Calvary – crucifixion of passions

Bishop Anthony explained that the task of every person is to go through self-purification to the triumph of the Resurrection of human nature.
For the Easter of Christ to come for the human soul, a person needs to crucify his passions and lusts, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich), the UOC Сhancellor, noted in the “Church and Society” programme.
“Easter comes through Calvary. But each person has their own Calvary. This is the crucifixion of their passions, their lusts. This is the whole period that we must devote precisely to our spiritual improvement. And only then the Easter of Christ comes for the soul. For a particular soul of a particular Christian, ” Vladyka Anthony emphasized.
He drew the attention of viewers to the fact that everyone is called to become a saint, and therefore everyone’s task is to "go the whole path of self-purification, the triumph of the Resurrection, the triumph of the Ascension of human nature to Heaven, and be holy".
Metropolitan Anthony also explained the essence of the calendar reform in the Church and explained why the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ does not have a fixed date.
Earlier, he urged believers in difficult times not to panic but to trust God.