Serbian Patriarch speaks in support of UOC

Patriarch Porfirije believes the decision of the Ukrainian authorities to expel the monks and KDAiS from the Lavra is synonymous with state terror against the Church.
On March 28, 2023, the Serbian Orthodox Church published a statement regarding state terror against the UOC, according to the website of the Serbian Patriarchate.
Serbian Patriarch Porfirije, on behalf of the hierarchs of the Serbian Church, stated that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is "the only canonical and legal Orthodox Church in Ukraine and at the same time the largest religious organization in this country."
He emphasized that "All Orthodox Churches of the world recognize it, as well as all non-Christian churches and denominations." At the same time, the document states, "the non-canonical, schismatic structure, which, though calling itself the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, does not even have the most elementary attributes of churchness, is recognized only by four Orthodox Churches, which in terms of their number of believers constitute a very small percentage in global Orthodoxy."
"Of course, even if the numerical disproportion were in favor of the non-canonical structure, that is, to the detriment of the canonical Church, this would not change anything at the ontological level: the Church is the Church, and an illegal parasynagogue can become a Church only through repentance and a canonical procedure, not by someone's stroke of the pen," the statement says.
The Serbian Patriarchate emphasized that "the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is not a 'warring party', but a living and acting Church of God in unity of faith and liturgical communion with the Russian Orthodox Church and Orthodox Churches in general."
"Wars, just and unjust, are waged by states, not by churches. Treating the Church as an enemy is monstrous, given that the members of tragically conflicting parties, if they are believers, belong to the same Church."
"The Church is always for peace, constantly praying for peace and doing everything possible to replace enmity and hatred among people and nations with friendship and love. The Church does not divide people into 'ours' and 'others,' it tries in the name of God of Love to love everyone and pastorally care for the salvation of souls and lives of all those in need of brotherly love and help," the document states.
According to the Serbian Patriarch, "the best example of such an attitude and behavior is provided by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – its Primate His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine, its episcopate, clergy, monks, and faithful people."
For this reason, the Serbian Orthodox Church "with deep concern, sadness, and brotherly love looks upon the 'sufferings of the saints' (Rev. 14:12; John 1:9) in Ukraine, on the persecutions, violence, and persecutions that the current Ukrainian authorities apply against the canonical Church, and therefore, against the majority of its own citizens, considering the fact that the UOC is the largest religious community in the country."
"It was also announced the impending peak of terror, an exact repetition of Soviet persecutions against the Church – the expulsion of two hundred and fifty monks and hundreds of professors and students of theology from the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, a centuries-old spiritual source and center of Holy Rus, the cradle of Eastern Slavic Christianity and Orthodoxy in the territory of modern Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus."
According to the Serbian Patriarch, "the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Lavra is an extremely important and visible element not only of Ukrainian and all-Russian, but also of world cultural heritage."
"In light of these facts, the decision of the current government of Ukraine to expel Metropolitan Onuphry, the monastics, and the theological academy from the Lavra is nothing but a synonym for appalling state terror against the Church, as well as a gross violation of its basic rights, religious freedom, and freedom of conscience in general," believes the head of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
According to him, "the behavior of the Ukrainian state leadership indicates that its real, and perhaps final, goal is to erase historical memory and all traces of original Orthodoxy in Ukraine, to change the code and historical identity that the Church has painstakingly built and preserved over the centuries, from St. Prince Vladimir to our days."
"Feeling and knowing that the only existing Orthodox Church in Ukraine, headed by Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv, courageously and calmly bears its cross and with hope ascends to Christ's and its Golgotha, we are convinced that the Crucified and Risen Lord, thanks to deep faith, forgiveness, and love for all, even enemies, will give strength to His Church to endure all the sufferings it must endure," writes Patriarch Porfirije.
"At the same time, we raise our voice against the terrible injustice, against the state terror directed against the Church in Ukraine, which 'cries out to heaven'," said the Head of the Serbian Orthodox Church.
The Serbian Patriarch expressed hope that "churches and religious communities, as well as institutions and organizations concerned about peace, justice, and some semblance of order in the world, will condemn gross violations of religious rights and freedoms in Ukraine."
"Praying fervently to the Lord for the end of fratricidal war in Ukraine and the earliest establishment of grace-filled peace in it, we, with faith, hope, and love, await the triumph of the Cross and the Resurrection of Christ over the forces of darkness, evil, and death. We worship Your Cross, O Christ, and celebrate Your Holy Resurrection," concluded the Primate of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Porfirije.
Earlier the UOJ wrote that the Primate of the OCA turned to the U.S. Commission on Religious Freedom with a plea for protection of the UOC.