Stepanov: Health Ministry not to close churches during adaptive quarantine

The Minister of Health specified there would be no ban on visiting churches during the adaptive quarantine, but epidemiological rules should be observed.
On August 6, 2020, Minister of Health Maxim Stepanov said during a briefing in Lviv that the Ministry of Health does not intend to prohibit visiting churches during the adaptive quarantine in view of coronavirus, Ukrainian Pravda reports.
According to him, there was no issue of closing churches, however, it is necessary to monitor the implementation of epidemiological rules during the services.
When asked about the closure of churches, Stepanov replied, “I don't even know how to comment on this. What does it mean to close churches? Someone has already thought up something ... I have never made accusations against churches.
The conclusions of epidemiological investigations indicate that the increase in the spread of coronavirus is due to public transport. In some areas, we also recorded it during worship.
As far as I’m concerned, I go to church, and I also sometimes witness non-compliance with the rules that have been established. If there is such a problem in a given church, it just needs to be corrected,” the head of the Ministry of Health noted.
We will remind, earlier the Ministry of Health accused the Church and transport of the worsened situation with COVID-19.