Ministry of Culture paints its logo in LGBT colours

The Ministry of Culture believes that promoting homosexuality is one of the key foundations of freedom.
On June 16, 2023, the Ministry of Culture updated its logos on social media platforms such as Facebook and Telegram. The images featured LGBT colors with the comment, "Equality is one of the key foundations of freedom." Additionally, the Hanenko Museum in Kyiv also displayed the colours of the LGBT community on its logo.
In the comments, Ukrainians had different opinions about the Ministry of Culture's publication. LGBT activists celebrated the move, while the majority viewed it negatively.
"Equality before God is freedom, equality before the devil is slavery. Don't impose sin on the country!" wrote Alexandr Hryhoryshyn.
"The LGBT ideology (although its followers don't like it being called that) is not about equality but about privileges and deviations. The idea that a person can change their biological sex is sheer nonsense, having nothing to do with science or common sense," believes Alexander Tusik.
"Are you all mentally ill or what? On what grounds is the propaganda of the perverts' ideology being conducted among taxpayers? Are you the Ministry of Culture or the Ministry of Perversions?" asks Oleksandr Beilyk.
As reported, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs changed the Ukrainian flag to the LGBT rainbow on its logo.