Bulgarian Church reacts to expulsion of Russian priests from Sofia

Metropolitan Daniel of Vidin expressed regret over the actions of the Bulgarian authorities regarding the clerics of the ROC representation church in Sofia.
Metropolitan Daniel of Vidin, in a publication on the Facebook page, expressed regret over the expulsion from the country of the rector and two priests of the St Nicholas Representation Church of the ROC in Sofia – Archimandrite Vassian (Zmeev), Archpriest Eugene and Archpriest Alexis.
He highlighted that "political parties, ideologies, political unions, coalitions will pass away, as many of them have irrevocably passed away in the history" of Bulgaria. According to the Metropolitan, "there remains only the truth and love of Christ, the expression and embodiment of which in the world is the Church."
"The truth and love of Christ are the hope of salvation for all of us. They are also the foundation of our personal and national security," the bishop of the Bulgarian Church said.
As reported, Bulgaria is expelling priests of the Russian representation church in Sofia.