Greek hierarch: Ukrainian autocephaly is most tragic event of recent years

Granting of theTomos to the OCU caused a pan-Orthodox schism, and not only the ROC, but also the majority of Local Churches responded to the "Ukrainian autocephaly".
Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus of the Greek Orthodox Church believes that the "autocephaly" of the OCU is the most tragic event in recent years, the website Vima Orthodoxias reports.
Metropolitan Seraphim writes that “the Ukrainian autocephaly not only cannot be considered ‘the greatest ecclesiastical event of recent decades’ (as it is said in the brochure of the Athonite monk Nikita – Ed.), but quite the opposite – it is 'the most tragic ecclesiastical event of recent decades’."
Vladyka emphasizes that granting of the Tomos to the OCU "caused a global, pan-Orthodox schism, and not only the Russian Church, as the monk Nikita asserts, responded to this autocephaly, but also the overwhelming majority, namely 10 Local Orthodox Churches."
The Metropolitan also noted that the monk Nikita in his brochure "The Whole Truth About the Ukrainian Issue" "does not comment at all on the opposition (to the decision of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to grant the Tomos to the OCU – Ed.) by the overwhelming majority of Local Churches" and "indifferently skips this (counteraction – Ed.) as an unwanted and disturbing reality."
“He also tells us nothing about how the other three Local Churches (Alexandria, Cyprus and Greek) recognized the Ukrainian autocephaly. He hides the fact that the Patriarch of Alexandria approached the Ukrainian autocephaly as an accomplished fact and commemorated the pseudo-metropolitan Epifanios without convening a Synod before that. Apparently because he knew that if the Synod were convened, the majority of the hierarchs would react (to the Tomos of the OCU – Ed.) as it had to be. Therefore, the Patriarch of Alexandria single-handedly made a decision on the recognition, but at the same time trampled on the synodal system and acted like a little pope."
Metropolitan Seraphim stressed that in his brochure, the monk Nikita also “hides the fact that the Ukrainian autocephaly was discussed at the Holy Synod of the Greek Church, but a roll-call vote was not held (as it is supposed to be on such a sensitive issue) to express the opinion of all of the hierarchs. In the end, the opinion of the Primate, Archbishop Ieronymos, prevailed in an inappropriate and anti-synodal way."
Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Metropolitan Seraphim noted that, according to the Phanar's supporters, the reaction of 10 Local Churches that do not agree with the Tomos “contradicts the will of God”.