UN Human Rights Mission to attend the trial of Metropolitan Jonathan

Lawyer Ihor Chudovsky hopes that the court of appeal will overturn the five-year sentence imposed on the Tulchyn Metropolitan by the first instance court.
Representatives of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine promised that they would attend the hearings of the appeal court in the case of Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchyn and Bratslav. The bishop’s lawyer, Ihor Chudovsky, announced this in an interview with Pershy Kozatsky.
He said that members of the Mission came to the Metropolitan, who is under house arrest, and interviewed him. According to the lawyer, UN representatives recorded facts indicating the illegality of the sentence passed on the metropolitan by the Vinnytsia court, took with them some documents and wrote down the telephone numbers of the bishop’s defenders.
The lawyer noted that in relation to Metropolitan Jonathan, several provisions of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights are being violated.
Chudovsky recalled that back in June 2023, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights published a report on the results of the Monitoring Mission, which highlighted violations of the rights of believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. The lawyer noted that the state of Ukraine “had to draw certain conclusions and correct the mistakes that were made.”
According to the lawyer, Metropolitan Jonathan’s defense has already prepared for the appeal court.
“We have certain developments in order to raise specific questions, showing the illegality of the sentence imposed on Metropolitan Jonathan,” Chudovsky said. “I think we should be heard, and the sentence, which is clearly illegal, should be overturned.”
Earlier, the UOJ reported that statements by the Primates and hierarchs of Local Churches in defense of Metropolitan Jonathan attracted the attention of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission.
The UOJ also wrote that according to lawyer Ihor Chudovsky, the “evidence” of the Metropolitan’s anti-Ukrainian activities was fabricated, and the court’s verdict endangers the life of an elderly bishop who has serious illnesses.