UOC hierarch: Phanar's "love" for Ukraine is filled with fear of State Dept

Metropolitan Luke believes that Patriarch Bartholomew is ready to destroy the Ukrainians "just to please his overseas masters".
On December 17, 2020, Metropolitan Luke (Kovalenko) of Zaporizhzhia and Melitopol wrote on his Telegram channel that the “love” of the Patriarchate of Constantinople to Ukraine is filled with fear of the US State Department.
Discussing the theme of today's feast of the Great Martyr Barbara, Metropolitan Luke noted that the saint's father “loved his daughter in his own way. But between kindred love and hatred there was only one step distance", and "this so-called ‘love’ became the reason for the brutal murder of his daughter".
“Why did her parent kill her? Because she dared to contradict? Because he was afraid of the emperor and his revenge? Out of fear of losing his position in society, power and money? For everything together! How similar it is to what is happening today,” Vladyka emphasized.
In his opinion, "our ‘mother’ – the Church of Constantinople ‘loves’ us with the same ‘love’ as Barbara's father ‘’loved’ his daughter”.
“This ‘love’ is filled with fear of the US State Department, greed, avarice and hypocrisy. This is ‘love’ with sledgehammers, bars, brass knuckles, bats and other similar "prayer" tools, with which these people come to seize our churches,” the hierarch writes.
He believes that "just like Barbara's father, the Patriarch of Constantinople is ready to destroy us just to please his overseas masters whom he awes".
As reported earlier, the head of the Phanar called the Ukrainians his "beloved people".