USA: Episcopal pastor repented for 17-year-old LGBT criticism

An episcopal cleric in the United States apologized to homosexuals after being criticized by members of his own denomination.
Pastor of the Anglican Episcopal Church of the United States Max Lucado in an open letter apologized to LGBT representatives for criticizing same-sex marriage and homosexuality in his sermon 17 years ago after the Washington National Cathedral was criticized for inviting him as a guest speaker, reports the website
In particular, some members of the Episcopal Church, known for its liberal views on LGBT people, petitioned to cancel Lucado's invitation to preach because of his 2004 speech in which he “expressed fears that homosexuality would lead to legalized incest and compared gay marriage to incest and bestiality."
“ It grieves me that my words have hurt or been used to hurt the LGBTQ community. I apologize to you and I ask forgiveness of Christ, ”the pastor wrote in his letter of repentance.
As reported, the RCC in Austria has published a book about church blessings for same-sex couples.