ROC rep says in what case it is possible to celebrate Easter with Catholics

The ROC representative said that in many Churches that have fallen away from Orthodoxy, the rules to set the Easter date have changed, and they need to be restored.
Hieromonk Stephen (Igumnov), secretary for inter-Christian relations of the ROC DECR, said in which case Orthodox Christians will celebrate Easter together with Catholics, reports RIA Novosti.
Commenting on the words of the Phanar representative, Archbishop Job of Tellmessos, about the common Easter date for the Orthodox and Catholics, Father Stephen noted that “the return of all Christian churches to uniformity in the date of Easter celebration would be a great blessing for the Christian world. However, it is possible only on the terms determined by the First Ecumenical Council."
Hieromonk Stephen recalled that according to the decisions of the First Ecumenical Council, held in 325, Christians should celebrate Easter on the same day, and "the Orthodox Church steadily follows this decision".
“Unfortunately, in many churches that are beyond prayer communion with the Orthodox Church (in particular, the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches – Ed.), due to historical reasons, the rules by which the Easter date is calculated has changed. Thus, not only the calendar of fixed church holidays, such as the Nativity of Christ, has changed, but also Paschalia (Easter cycle), that is, the calendar of church feasts, depending on the date of Easter celebration. But this is not a reason for the Orthodox Churches to change the most ancient and sacred for us regulation on the time of celebrating Easter,” the priest explained.
Father Stephen stressed that Paschalia is "a dogmatic position", to deviate from which "means to lose contact with the Orthodox tradition".
“For the Russian Church, this issue cannot be on the agenda. We adhere to the teachings of the Ecumenical Councils and the Holy Fathers. This makes us Orthodox ” said the representative of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Earlier, the RCC welcomes Phanar's idea of the common Easter date by 2025.