Liashko: Ukraine does not plan additional restrictions for Easter

Viktor Liashko voiced the recommendations of the Ministry of Health for religious organizations regarding the upcoming Easter holidays.
It is not planned to introduce additional restrictions in Ukraine for the period of Easter celebrations. Deputy Minister of Health and Chief State Sanitary Doctor Viktor Liashko said this at a briefing on Friday, April 23.
The representative of the Ministry of Health emphasized that the holidays should be not only fun but also safe.
In this regard, he called on everyone to comply with the quarantine norms that are prescribed in the government decree and recalled the main ones: the mandatory mask regime in public places (personal protective equipment for the respiratory system must cover the nose and mouth) and the observance of social distance (at least 1, 5 m).
In closed rooms, the deputy minister reminded, there should be 4 square meters of space per person.
He also voiced the recommendations of the Ministry of Health for religious organizations regarding the holding of festive services:
- organize online worship services and encourage believers to participate in them;
- increase the number of consecrations and reduce their duration;
- fix the entrance door to the territory and the premises of the temple in an open position to ensure free ventilation;
- establish restrictions on attending services inside churches and ensure that a distance of 1.5 m between parishioners on the street is maintained;
- on the street it is imperative to observe the mask regime;
- recommend that parishioners refuse family visits to the rite of blessing and consecration of food and be represented by one person from the household.
For elderly people or those suffering from chronic diseases, the Ministry of Health recommends refraining from visiting temples and consecrating an Easter basket in the fresh air on the temple grounds. Also, it is requested to refrain from holiday visits to relatives and friends so as not to endanger each other.
“I think that if these standards are met, we will be able to prevent a significant increase in the incidences of coronavirus disease and the holidays will be safe,” concluded Viktor Liashko.
As reported earlier, the Cabinet extended the quarantine in Ukraine until June 30 and urged to stay at home for Easter.