“Miriane”: Under VR, UOC believers also stood for defence of Constitution

“Miriane” congratulated on the 25th anniversary of the adoption of Ukraine’s Constitution and urged to protect constitutional rights regardless of religious beliefs.
The public organization "Miriane" (“Laity”) stated on its Facebook page that on June 15 UOC believers came to stand in prayer under the Verkhovna Rada, including in defence of the constitutional rights of citizens of Ukraine.
“Today marks the 25th anniversary of the Constitution of Ukraine. It is the foundation on which we build our common future. That is why on June 15 the laity of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church prayed for a future where the constitutional rights of Ukrainian citizens would no longer be violated. We stood for the very principle of Legality, Equality, Humanity, which gives hope for order and a better future for every Ukrainian, regardless of religious or political beliefs. We came to save not only ourselves but also Her, the young birthday girl, who is celebrating the 25th anniversary of our Constitution,” reads the message.
“Each of those who were then at the walls of the Verkhovna Rada and the Office of the President unanimously сlaimed: I am an Orthodox Christian, I am an equal citizen of Ukraine and I will no longer allow my Constitution to be mocked! Therefore, remember, this is how, in a peaceful struggle, the Constitution must be respected until we restore its force. And then, thanking God, we will say with a light heart: Happy birthday, my Constitution," resumed the NGO "Laity".
As reported, the OSCE in Ukraine ignored the mass prayer of the UOC believers near the Verkhovna Rada.