Famous Orthodox Ukrainians write open letter to Phanar head

Scientists, cultural and sports figures of Ukraine faithful to the UOC believe that Patriarch Bartholomew'arrival in Ukraine will aggravate religious confrontation.
Well-known figures of science, culture and sports of Ukraine, who are parishioners of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, wrote an open letter to Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople with an appeal to postpone his visit to our country for the celebration of Independence Day, reports the UOC Information Centre on its Facebook page.
The letter was signed by Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine Anatoly Peshko, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Vitaly Zhuravsky, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Petr Tolochko, musician and producer Oleg Karamazov, Honoured Doctor of Ukraine Rostislav Valikhnovsky, President of the “Novosti” media holding Yegor Benkendorf, TV producer Yuriy Molchanov and others. They believe that the arrival of the head of Phanar could trigger a new wave of raider seizures of churches and beatings of UOC believers, which began after the bestowal of the Tomos to the OCU.
“There are quite reasonable expectations that your visit to celebrate the Day of the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine may aggravate the religious situation,” wrote Orthodox scientists, culture and sports figures. “The signature (of Patriarch Bartholomew – Ed.) under the Tomos, which was intended to grant autocephaly to Ukrainian Orthodox Christians, actually became the reason for the seizure of Orthodox churches by representatives of radical organizations, the unpunished beating of priests and believers.”
Famous Ukrainians noted that the granting of the Tomos took place without taking into account the position and against the will of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church – the autonomous and only canonically recognized by all Orthodox Churches in the world. The letter also says that most of the Local Orthodox Churches and monasteries of Athos are in no hurry to recognize the OCU, created by the head of the Phanar. “Isn't it time for you to stop on the path of escalating church confrontation in Ukraine and in the world and postpone your visit to a more favorable time, to the Council resolution of all disagreements, with the fullness of world Orthodoxy?” resumed the UOC believers.
As reported, the media showed protests against the arrival of the Phanar head throughout Ukraine.