Cypriot church leader shows the door to unvaccinated clergy

Archbishop Chrysostomos said that the clerics and hierarchs of the Cypriot Church who disobeyed his order to get vaccinated could not benefit their flock.
The Primate of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, Archbishop Chrysostomos, said on state television that he would punish bishops and priests for refusing to get vaccinated against the coronavirus and those who disobey could leave the Church, reports
Archbishop Chrysostomos believes that priests and bishops who disobey his order cannot benefit the flock. "The Church wants rigour, obedience, humility and love. If the clergyman does not have these virtues, how will he help our people?" he said.
The head of the Church of Cyprus noted he had been putting off a decision to sanction unvaccinated clergy and is now giving them the last chance. " "I can take away what I give. I can punish them and if they do not like it, the door is open. I will do it for the good of the people and not because I want it that way or I like it that way," Archbishop Chrysostomos resumed.
As reported, the head of the Church of Cyprus has had a third vaccination against the coronavirus and threatened to punish and expel from the Synod those hierarchs who disagree with the decisions on vaccination.