RCC Cardinal: Blessing homosexual unions is absolute blasphemy

Cardinal Gerhard Müller castigated the Vatican policies.
Former Bishop of Regensburg, German Curial Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller issued a blistering attack on the state of the RCC in German-speaking countries and called for the promotion of a "better, theologically informed episcopate," according to the National Catholic Register.
In his interview, one of the most respected prefects of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith noted that for Catholics today is a time of tribulation and psychological terror. In his opinion, this is an unprecedented case when countries with ancient Christian traditions become a source of danger for Christians: “orthodox Catholics are being persecuted; and in some countries this is culminating in martyrdom. Usually this has come from the outside, but now it’s from the inside, in our countries that have old Christian traditions. It’s a new situation,” the cardinal emphasized.
Most of all, he expressed dissatisfaction with the so-called “Synodal Way”, which approves of the blessing of same-sex couples, ordination of women priests, and changes to the Catechism in favor of homosexuality. All those who promote these ideas in the Catholic Church are called by the cardinal "secularized people", who seek to keep the name of a Catholic only for the sake of money and positions, while not respecting and not accepting the Logos. Gerhard Müller pointed out that such people "relativize the Catholic faith, but remain with their titles: cardinals, bishops, theology professors — but in reality they don’t believe what the Church is saying." He called the program of loyalty to the LGBT community "an idiotic Neo-Gnostic mythology, which is against human nature not only in a biological sense, but also in a philosophical one."
The key problem of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, according to the cardinal, is the desire to compromise with the world, an unwillingness to live with the tension of living the faith in today’s highly secularized society. He encouraged faithful Catholics, who were enduring continual attacks on account of the faith, with Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount: “Blessed are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you falsely on my account.” (Matthew 5:11).
As previously reported by the UOJ, the cardinal urged not to expel gay clergy from the RCC.