"In the name of the prophet": Kadyrov urges Muslims to bring the cities of Europe to their knees

The head of Chechnya once again declared that a “holy war” is being waged and called on Muslims to fight Satanists in Ukraine.
President of the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation Ramzan Kadyrov recorded a video message in which he called on all Caucasians and Chechens who profess Islam to start a "holy war" against European states. Kadyrov promised all Muslims who will gather in regiments against shaitans and satanism in European states to "supply, clothe, arm."
Addressing the Muslims, Ramzan Kadyrov said, “You must fight, defend the interests of our beloved prophet and the Koran. We just have to take the European states without weapons until they kneel and ask for forgiveness.”
In his video message, the head of Chechnya noted that every father and every mother should send their sons to war in order to defend the interests of both Muslims and Christians, their customs, traditions and religion.
As the UOJ reported, Ramzan Kadyrov regularly records video messages in which he explains that Muslims in Ukraine are fighting Satanism.