How Uniates usurped education

The Cross Procession, which is getting closer to Kiev, has long turned for the Ukrainian society into the test for democracy and civility.
An absolutely peaceful action, which has been declared such from the beginning, for some reason causes a strong rejection in certain small groups of Ukrainian (and not only) citizens. They, these citizens, do not pay any attention either to the laws of the state in which they live or the rules of international law, which they so much talk about, or to the reaction of Europe, which they continue to pursue. The main thing is by any means to stop the march of shrines and cross walkers towards Kiev. The fact that the people who go in the Cross Procession have not committed any illegal act or action which could be qualified as provocative or just stupid does not stop them. For some reason, they believe that they must do everything in their power to keep out a peaceful march in Kiev. This situation would have seemed absurd as far back as two years or even a year ago, but today it is perceived by many if not as a norm, but as a warranted action. At the same time, once again, there has been no evidence so far that would testify against the Cross Procession. Therefore, there is a reasonable question: who are the people who are fighting with such fury against the Cross Procession and, most importantly, why they do it?
I think it makes no sense to consider the spiritual causes for this behavior because they are clear as "two times two." The enemy of the human race is afraid of shrines, afraid of the feat that people have already been performing for more than two weeks are people, afraid of their prayers. It is possible that the achievement by the Cross Procession of its ultimate goal – the reunification of the two branches, namely the East and the West as a symbol of the reunification of Ukraine – is conceived by Satan as his own defeat. And maybe, the end of the war. Therefore, in the spiritual sense, the struggle against the Cross Procession is the fight of the evil forces against the forces of good, in which many of our fellow citizens are used as tools by the forces of evil.
But apart from the spiritual aspects, there are also earthly aspects, so to speak, historical (to say nothing of the political), which were formed not today and not yesterday but, unfortunately, many years ago.
Catholicism could never bear to see the East. Only in the last few decades, the Roman Curia has announced several times that it is necessary to go back to those territories that today profess Christianity. It is difficult to count how many times Catholic priests have tried to catholise the population of Ukraine. Troubles and wars that were brought to our land by preachers of "the rule of Rome" have only one name – "genocide". Catholic expansion has been condemned by Ukrainian historians and artists, politicians, writers and poets. What are some of the immortal words by Taras Shevchenko of what the Roman curia was for Ukraine worth? And it is clear that such a continuous sink in the fight for the territory of influence, a dirty and bloody fight, played little into the hands of political elite of the Vatican, particularly given the gradual loss of weight and authority in Europe. It was necessary by all means to save face of the "civilized and educated preachers of the Gospel," and at the same time, it was impossible to lose what had been got so hard. Therefore, to deal with Orthodoxy the Vatican uses a hybrid weapon – the Union. Thus, the Uniates are people who in spirit are fully owned by the Pope, but apparently have some signs of Orthodox Christians. It is with their hands one could have no regard for the rules of morality and law in order to quietly "put in connection with the Pope" rebellious Ukrainian schismatics. How it was done we know from historical documents and eyewitness accounts, which are innumerable.
But, despite this, the Uniates managed in some incomprehensible to the outside observer manner to virtually usurp the patriotic feelings of the Ukrainians and become those who for decades have guided the development of the country. In fact, in the face of the Uniate Church, we have a parallel to any government authority in Ukraine – the power which dictates its own laws, which can block the decision rule of law, which can overthrow the legal power, if necessary. The Uniates have almost completely absorbed three regions of Ukraine and gradually move on imposing their worldview to all other residents of the country. It is safe to say that in terms of ideology Uniates are now celebrating the victory. But all that is happening in our country strongly reminds me of another country and other politicians who hide behind religion to achieve their goals. I mean Turkey.
We have all heard that the Turkey coup was initiated by Fethullah Gülen, a former Islamic preacher, and today one of the most influential politicians of the planet Earth (according to the magazine Fortune). But he is known first and foremost not only for this, but for the fact that for a few decades he was able to create a powerful religious-political structure in Turkey, which has almost seized power in the country.
His own, so to speak, success Gülen obliged to the fact that from the very beginning of his career, he focused all his efforts on the education sphere of Turkey: "The first Gülen school became an act of separatism of the 28-year-old imam from the Spiritual Administration of Muslims in Turkey. But the risk was worth it: he found the safest way to recruit parishioners for life. Promising their children a good education, Gülen "tamed" immediately both children and parents, with the children "gülenized" from an early age through the Internet... Later Gülen began to participate in the business of his parishioners and alumni. Using his connections in the government, he solved their business problems, and in return received a new adherents among the entrepreneurs who gave their children to Gülen’s school ... The collapse of the Soviet Union brought the business empire fabulous dividends - from the shuttle consumer goods to retail and construction projects in the countries of the CIS , ensuring its financial power.
Military secularists, who were then in power, did not touch the Gülen sect, as it was considered an alternative to the traditional Islamists of Erbakan Nezhmetdinov organization "Milli Görüş" ("National Vision"), whose top-positions were held by the current Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. However, without the US support the growth of power and welfare of the Gülen sect would have been impossible. Under the cover of Turkish lyceums in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan in the 90-s worked CIA operatives who posed themselves as English teachers. "
Uniates in Ukraine act in a very similar way. Thus, in the West of the country they almost completely control education.
The head of the UGCC Commission on matters of upbringing and education, Sister Christopher Bushtyn, SSMI, not so long ago stated: "A Catholic school --is one of the best ways of evangelization of the society".
That's right, why try to evangelize the society in some other way, if you have access to school? It should be noted that some moments are strongly reminiscent of the situation that has developed in Turkey. For example, we have in Ukraine students of Uniate schools who are also actively studying English.
The subject "Christian ethics" is taught in almost all the schools of the western region of our country. State functionaries assure everyone that this subject does not carry any religious coloring. So Zoriana Honko (Head of the Department of Education of the Lychakiv district, Lviv) states that: "In Christian ethics lessons children are taught not prayers but love and humility to each other. This is not a particular religion and belief. This is a science of moral review. At schools, lessons are mostly held in the form of games ... For example at schools of the Lychakiv district parents seldom refuse Christian ethics lessons. Such cases are rare".
However, Ms Zoriana stretched the truth or, perhaps, she meant only Lviv. Because in Ternopil parents opposed the teaching of Christian ethics at schools – they require only "Ethics" and without religious coloring: "The Church and religious organizations in Ukraine are separated from the state, and the school – from the Church. No religion shall be recognized by the State as mandatory. For a long time a bad trend has been a massive violation of the above requirements of the law without exception by all educational institutions of the Ternopil region. This is resulted in direct discrimination against the rights of children in families who profess any other religious tradition or profess no religion".
That is, we can say that one religious group has almost completely usurped the subject. And in the West of Ukraine this group is, of course, the Uniates. Moreover, opponents of Christian ethics teaching stress that the biggest challenge might be called "mental injury of students who attend the lessons."
But the most interesting thing is that city authorities identify the struggle against the teaching of Christian ethics by the Uniates with the struggle against Ukraine:"…the struggle with Christian ethics can be beneficial to external anti-Ukrainian forces".
This identification is very common and quite usual for the Uniates, who usurped not only the right to teach Christian ethics, but also national traditions and national identity, which in their minds is inextricably linked to the UGCC: "To me, these "protests" should be seen in the context of the events that took place around the monument to Metropolitan Andriy Sheptytsky in Lviv and the events related to the attacks on the Church in Lviv, personally on Metropolitan of Lviv Ihor Vozniak . I think that someone is trying to work out a model of political struggle in Ukraine denationalization – when trying to oust religion from any public space, and with it from any national traditions and national identity. This is quite a dangerous thing!"
Agree, for the country in which, according to the Constitution, the Church is separated from the state, to make such statements is more than strange. At the same time, the Uniates themselves find nothing strange in these words.
They declared "Drang nach Osten" long ago, and all that is happening today around the Cross Procession echoes of "onslaught". The question is when, and, most importantly, what and how will this "onslaught" end?