Believers fix first miracles of Cross procession – 2016

Today, glad tidings for the believers, who started the Cross procession from the Holy Dormition Pochaev Lavra, has become the news of serious health improvement of the grandson of one of the pilgrims. The woman specially came from Rivne to ask the Cross procession for the grace to heal the child.
The pilgrim, Anna by name, strongly believed that the Cross procession and the miraculous icon of Our Lady of Pochaev would help her grandson. The two-year child is seriously ill, and the doctors did not give a guarantee that he would ever walk again. The glad tidings came to the woman on the fifth day of the Procession.
"My daughter called me and said that my grandson started walking! – pilgrim Anna doesn’t hide the tears of joy. – It's a miracle! I believe that this Cross procession and the miraculous icon of the Virgin will help us. I prayed very hard. As soon as the icon had been carried above my head, the glad news came. "
Today the Procession is held under the sign of children. In the village of Kamenka, where there was a stop, the miraculous icon was met by a whole group of kids who came to worship the icon of the Virgin.
The first fruit of grace inspire the pilgrims. The final destination of today's route is Shepetovka town (Khmelnitsky region).