Raider of UOC church in Ivano-Frankivsk embezzles cars intended for AFU

Oleksandr Chepura, who organised the seizure of the UOC cathedral in Ivano-Frankivsk, embezzled several cars intended for the front.
The head of the NGO "People's Control of United Communities" in Ivano-Frankivsk, Oleksandr Chepura, who organised the seizure of the UOC Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos in Ivano-Frankivsk, turned out to be a swindler who embezzled several cars intended for the army, reports "Dozor on Kozak1".
Journalist Lev Klimenko recalled that back in March 2023 Chepura recorded an appeal to activists to storm the temple and then personally knocked down the gate.
After the seizure, when the bandits used tear gas against the clerics of the temple, Chepura received a certificate of appreciation from Serhiy Dumenko for these "feats".
In mid-January 2024, a publication appeared on the Versii resource, where Chepura was accused of misappropriating several cars for the AFU, the money for which was collected by well-known bloggers of the Carpathian region Sasha Bo and Nazar Blacklist.
For six months, the bloggers tried to find out the fate of the mobile service station and another SUV they had bought, but Chepura lied to them that he could not talk because he was allegedly at the front. Until they met him by chance in a shop in Ivano-Frankivsk. As it turned out, Chepura embezzled 5 cars bought for the army and kept them in the yard of his house. He crashed one pickup truck while driving around the city.
As earlier reported, the seizure of the last church of the UOC was announced in Ivano-Frankivsk.